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Pregnancy and sports

When a pregnant woman often wonders about sports.

Regardless of whether you exercise or not, you tell yourself that it’s good not to completely relax during pregnancy so that you don’t have too much physical and nutritional work afterwards.;)

You may be pregnant and not give up your body movements, which is currently recommended even at 1, 3 or 6 months of pregnancy.

I will explain the essential benefits of playing sports, where to do them, what exercises, etc.

Why exercise when you are pregnant?

When you are pregnant, you have a lot of weight, the weight of a baby, you tend to curl up.

Straighten your chest, open your chest, let’s leave the room so that the baby, the mother-to-be, is in the correct position, has a good back and straight, and if possible, avoid back pain.

The abdomen, which rounds up day by day, is the center of gravity that changes, and therefore a new tension arises to counterbalance this change.

If you were not toned or athletic before pregnancy, you can always start adapted exercises during pregnancy.

4 exercises to do during pregnancy:

I will give you 4 exercises that I suggest during your workout. There are many others.

Strengthening the abdominal girdle (abs):

On all fours, you extend one arm in front of you in extension of the body, maintaining the position of the back.
This allows you to feel the perineum and the contraction of the latter.

Exercise helps you gain belly weight.

Yoga ball:

Sit on a yoga ball and gradually tilt your pelvis back and forth and do circular exercises, more or less large, depending on your ability.

You can easily find a selection of gymnastic balls here:

Against circulatory problems:

Lie on your back on a yoga mat and place your feet on the yoga ball. It helps to solve some circulatory problems.

Strengthen your legs:

By placing a yoga ball between the wall and your back, you will simulate sitting on a chair, then press down on your heels to roll the ball under your back and go up. Then go back and continue like this.

Benefits of sports for pregnant women:

1st advantage is psychological:

We know that women who engage in physical activity will feel better during pregnancy, they will have less anxiety and less depression.

2nd benefit: less caesarean section, etc.

We don’t know why, but we note that women who play sports are physical:

  • less caesarean section
  • fewer forceps
  • better deliver
  • reduce working hours
  • etc.

3rd advantage: child

Children often react during or after sessions. This emphasizes the bond between mother and child.

The workouts and exercises that Kayla Itsines is doing in pregnancy

Where to do sports during pregnancy?

1- Specialized Maternity

Some centers offer sports lessons specifically for pregnant women.

For 40 euros an hour and a week, this is a good initiative to not allow yourself to keep up with the times.


No sudden movements or bumps, exercises are done gently.

The medical community has been saying for 25 years: “you must rest during pregnancy.”

Now this is all wrong!
Change habits is extremely difficult … Especially in France!

The lessons taught in maternity hospitals thus ensure seriousness and reassure (future) mothers.

Maternity hospitals that offer this type of air conditioner Physical activity is rare, but there are other ways to move around during pregnancy without risking it.

Aquagym – yoga – e.g. soft gym

2- House

You can easily do the exercises at home.

Take, for example, my exercises mentioned earlier in this article.

I chose a thick exercise / yoga mat:

3- In the gym

You can do different types of exercises in the gym, of course, Weight or Light is preferred.

Ask a good trainer and professionals who will teach you advice.

I have had all sorts of women in the gym, sometimes some women work empty, while others manage to do quite intense workouts until the last month of pregnancy.

Check with your doctor.

Can a pregnant woman go in for sports?

Of course yes, and even recommended!

Remember that not all women have the same pregnancies, and some, for example, have to stay put.

So, there are many reports that you may want to stop being physically active during pregnancy!

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